Music Traveler is a platform for music, performing arts & creative space
List NowIs there a way to accept and decline a booking request?
What makes a space qualified to be listed as “ Upon Request “
Is there a photo guideline?
How does space edit work?
Where can the schedule and pricing be set and adjusted?
How does Music Traveler deal with insurance?
Are there recommended policies?
Is it possible to purchase additional insurance through Music Traveler?
What payment methods are used on Music Traveler?
How does the payment gateway work and is set up?
When and how will the payout work?
Where can the policies of the space be listed?
How is the cancellation and refund policy governed?
What security details and other handbooks should be shared on Music Traveler?
Music Traveler has expanded to many cities in the E.U., EEA regions, and the U.S. since its launch in Vienna, Austria. The platform is now getting ready to serve customers from all around the world.