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Julia Rhee


New York, U.S.A.

Seoul, South Korea

  • Piano, Organ, Cembalo, Flute, Tibetan Singing Bowls

  • Professional

  • MDW Wien, CNSM Paris, LSE, HEC Paris

Co-founder, CEO of Music Traveler, started piano at age of 4, cembalo & organ at 14, flute at 24, Tibetan singing bowls at 34.  The next stop at 44 is probably Tabla!

My Videos

4 Videos

Music Traveler

Billy Joel - The story of Music Traveler

Music Traveler

John Malkovich needs Music Traveler

Music Traveler

Yuja Wang - The possibilities are endless | Music Traveler

Music Traveler

Hans Zimmer - Passion for music

My Inspiration

3 Videos


PSY - 'That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS)' MV

JYP Entertainment

Stray Kids "神메뉴(God's Menu)" M/V


Billie Eilish - What Was I Made For? (Official Music Video)
