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Anders Hagberg


Gothenburg, Sweden

Uppsala, Sverige

  • Flute, alto-, bass- and contrabass flutes, soprano saxophone,

  • Professional

  • School of Music, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

  • Jazz, Improvisation, World Music, Chamber music

  • Naxos

Anders Hagberg is a Swedish flautist, soprano saxophonist, composer, and professor of musical performance/improvisation at the University of Gothenburg, Academy of Music, and Drama. He has toured the world both with his own music and as a soloist in many ensembles. Improvisation and interdisciplinary collaborations are key aspects his artistry such as working across genres and cultures as well as with other art forms like dance and visual arts. He has written music for films and dance productions and released several albums under his own name. His international collaborators include artists from India, the Middle East, Japan, Brazil, West Africa, the United States, South Korea, and Europe. 

My Videos

2 Videos

Anders Hagberg

Anders Hagberg NORTH, Live

Anders Hagberg

Anders Hagberg Caravan Contrabass Flute

My Inspiration

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