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Burak Eker

Colours of Anatolia

    Premiered on
  • Oct. 5, 2021     7:00 PM (UTC+3:00)
  • Ankara, Türkiye
  • Anatolia is a region with a very old history. Various civilizations lived in Anatolia, where many empires ruled, and thus a very rich cultural structure was formed. Some say "Anatolia is a unique mosaic". So how do the voices of this geography sound? In this program, we will play these different types of melodies with works from different periods. We plan to turn our study room into a huge plain sometimes with a unique view of the Bosphorus. We hope that you will be with us on this pleasant journey. See you!


  • Violin: Burak EKER
  • Violin: Ayşe ÇAĞLAK
  • Piano: Tuğba ÇAĞLAK EKER