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Johanna Rose


Seville, Spain

Wildeshausen, Alemania

  • all kinds of viola da gamba

  • Professional

  • ancient music

  • Rubicon Classics

Johanna Rose is a german gambist, living in Seville, Spain. She works as a soloist and as a member of the spanish group Accademia del Piacere with whom she shares a long career. 


In recent years, her personal interest has been focused on studying the music of the Bach family, a dedication that has resulted in the recording of her first solo album: the recording of the three sonatas for viola da gamba by Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach, album that saw the light in October of 2017 with the English label Rubicon Classics and that obtained excellent reviews from the specialized press, among others, the Gramophone magazine in particular. Her second solo album ‘Histoires d’un Ange’ featuring the great composer for viola da gamba Marin Marais has been released with the same label in november 2019, and has been praised by the specialized press and radio, among others the BBC 3 and the klassik radio Vienna. 
At the same time she does research into diverse musical styles, such as the founding of her own group Sarao de Musas, with whom she especially delves in Spanish baroque music. In her most recent project with the Argentine clarinetist Diego Montes, she forms a singular duo that has attracted the attention of composers such as Hilda Paredes, Gerardo Dirié and Ramón Gorigoitía, who have composed a series of works especially for them which were premiered at the Central Theater of Seville in March 2019.


Johanna Rose has played in renowned venues such as the Konzerthaus in Vienna, the Laeiszhalle and the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, the Teatros del Canal and the National Auditorium in Madrid , the Gran Teatro de Bogotá, the Quirinale of Rome, the Ponchielli Theater of Cremona, the Zaryadye Hall of Moscow or the Topcapi Palace of Istanbul, acting as a soloist and as a member of outstanding musical groups from different countries, such as Il Pomo d'OroTiento Nuovo-Ignacio Prego, La Venexiana, More Hispano, The Baroque Orchestra of Seville among others.

In addition, she has worked under the direction of Rinaldo AlessandriniMonica Hugget, Maxim Emelyanychev and Carlos Núñez. 


She has studied with Vittorio Ghielmi, Rodney Prada and Paolo Pandolfo, and finished her studies with Ventura Rico at the Conservatorio Superior of Seville with the highest qualifications. 



My Videos

4 Videos

Johanna Rose

LA RÊVEUSE. MARIN MARAIS. Johanna Rose - viola da gamba

Johanna Rose

SARAO DE MUSAS - Johanna Rose & Mariví Blasco. Spanish Baroque. Teaser.

Johanna Rose

'Le Tourbillon' - Marin Marais. 'Histoires d'un Ange' Johanna Rose - viola da gamba


Accademia del Piacere, Fahmi Alqhai - Passa Galli

My Inspiration

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