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Markos Sotiris


Wien, Austria


  • Klarinette, Klavier, Gesang, Akkordeon, Gitarre, Bass

  • Professional

  • Choir, Orchestra, Instrumentation, Composing

  • Pop, Rock, Electro, Klassik


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My Videos

10 Videos

Marc DeKos

Marc DeKos - plays - David Krakauer in the Jungle. 🌴🙊🎼

Marc DeKos

Schubert - Winterreise - 12 Einsamkeit [Marc DeKos und Barbara Prinz]

Marc DeKos

Marc DeKos sings Masetto - Ho capito - Mozart Don Giovanni [Vienna - Amstetten]

Media Innovation Orchestra

Technochor feat. Media Innovation Orchestra - Livin' in a gangstas' paradise

Melange TV

Marc DiKamari - Tagessaiten - Live @Barocksaal altes Rathaus Wien

Marc DeKos

Marc DeKos @ Palmenhaus! 💐🌴☘️ singing - Alma Del core

Marc DeKos

Bert Brecht - Das Lied von der Unzulänglichkeit menschlichen Strebens [Marc DeKos & Barbara Prinz]

Media Innovation Orchestra

2020 MIO RÖYKSOPP Quarantäne Version FINAL

Media Innovation Orchestra

2018 DEBUT KONZERT - Media Innovation Orchestra feat. Technochor d'achor live

Media Innovation Orchestra

Technochor feat. Media Innovation Orchestra - Livin' in a gangstas' paradise

My Inspiration

0 Videos

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